about me

creative entrepreneur & content creator

 ✴︎ who i am 
Hey, so glad you're here! If you aren’t familiar with my work, my name is Vania. I am based in beautiful Miami and I’m a multi-dimensional creative. 
From dancing throughout my school days to getting my Bachelor's Degree in Dramatic Arts from University of Southern California, I’ve loved expressing myself through creation since my early, early days. Growing up in the rise of the internet has been a huge motivator to build, create and design without limits, letting my creative energies flow freely. My YouTube Channel is my personal platform where I share my journey of wearable fashion, doable beauty + my love for wellness. 
I recently launched VCREATIVE MIAMI, a modern, personable and community-driven creative firm helping growing business across the nation with brand development, creative design, digital marketing and content creation.​​​​​​​